Quentin Schwab


Robert Laffont

Robert Laffont

Robert Laffont

Robert Laffont

Robert Laffont

Le Club 55

Elle Décoration

Elle Décoration

Elle Décoration

Les Echos

Plantes et Oiseaux


Tree of Life








"Je t'adore" videoclip



The real Frenchman

The French violinist

Edge Off



Oiseau & Plante

Deux oiseaux

Nîmes s'illustre

Nîmes s'illustre

Nîmes s'illustre


Pegazz Festival



Voeux 2022

Orange / Anytime

Homme au bonnet

Volons !

Corde à linge

Delicious puncakes



Big Deal

Cheap Arcimboldo

Pif Piaf

Cruel tea



Free as a bird





Le Penseur



Leaf of Faith

Butter flies






La sieste

Le bain

Le chat et l’oiseau


Official launch of Albert and the Birds of Quentin Schwab at Robert Laffont Editions

Launch of Albert and the Birds of Quentin Schwab at Robert Laffont Editions

Launch of Albert and the Birds of Quentin Schwab at Robert Laffont Editions

Launch of Albert and the Birds of Quentin Schwab at Robert Laffont Editions

Launch of Albert and the Birds of Quentin Schwab at Robert Laffont Editions

Illustration by Quentin Schwab for Club 55, a seaside restaurant in Ramatuelle in the south of France.

Série d’illustrations de Quentin Schwab pour Elle Décoration.

Illustration series by Quentin Schwab for Elle Décoration.

Illustration series by Quentin Schwab for Elle Décoration.

Illustration by Quentin Schwab for Les Echos.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Illustration series by Quentin Schwab for Hermès.

Illustration series by Quentin Schwab for Hermès.

Illustration series by Quentin Schwab for Hermès.

Illustration series by Quentin Schwab for Hermès.

Illustration series by Quentin Schwab for Hermès.

Illustration series by Quentin Schwab for Hermès.

Illustration series by Quentin Schwab for Hermès.

Animation created by Quentin Schwab for the videoclip "Je t'adore" by Marc Desse.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Animation by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Illustration series by Quentin Schwab created for an exhibition at Nîmes s'illustre festival.

Illustration series by Quentin Schwab created for an exhibition at Nîmes s'illustre festival.

Illustration series by Quentin Schwab created for an exhibition at Nîmes s'illustre festival.

Animation by Quentin Schwab.

Illustration by Quentin Schwab for the Pegazz Festival.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

"Happy new year" animation by Quentin Schwab !

Illustration by Quentin Schwab for the communication of Anytime, a subsidiary of Orange Bank.

Animation by Quentin Schwab.

Illustration by Quentin Schwab for the album of Schwab Soro jazz band .

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Illustration by Quentin Schwab for the "Delicious puncakes" project.

Illustration by Quentin Schwab for Brainsonic agency's communication.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Animation by Quentin Schwab.

Animation by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Illustration series by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Personal illustration by Quentin Schwab.

Quentin Schwab Talkie Walkie Albert et les Oiseaux couv
Quentin Schwab Talkie Walkie Albert et les Oiseaux 005
Quentin Schwab Talkie Walkie Albert et les Oiseaux 002
Quentin Schwab Talkie Walkie Albert et les Oiseaux 003
Quentin Schwab Talkie Walkie Albert et les Oiseaux 001
Quentin schwab talkie walkie club55t
Quentin schwab talkie walkie Elle deco 1
Quentin schwab talkie walkie Elle deco 3
Quentin schwab talkie walkie Elle deco 2
Quentin schwab talkie walkie les echos carre
Quentin schwab talkie walkie grille
Quentin schwab talkie walkie triptyque
Quentin schwab talkie walkie treeoflife
Quentin schwab talkie walkie hermes pluie
Quentin schwab talkie walkie hermes manif
Quentin schwab talkie walkie the way we see the world
Quentin schwab talkie walkie hermes team
Quentin schwab talkie walkie fripes
Quentin schwab talkie walkie hermes H
Quentin schwab talkie walkie hermes 01
Quentin schwab talkie walkie trimmin
Quentin schwab talkie walkie chien promeneurs 2
Quentin schwab talkie walkie therealfrenchman
Quentin schwab talkie walkie the french violonist
Quentin schwab talkie walkie Edge Off
Quentin schwab talkie walkie sommelier
Quentin schwab talkie walkie Chien Qui Pisse Sur Cameras
Quentin schwab talkie walkie Oiseau qui pousse
Quentin schwab talkie walkie echasses
Quentin schwab talkie walkie nîmes chien explo
Quentin schwab talkie walkie nîmes chien iphone
Quentin schwab talkie walkie nîmes chien iphones
Quentin schwab talkie walkie Pyramide 2 boucle
Quentin schwab talkie walkie pegazz festival
Quentin schwab talkie walkie pyramide doiseaux
Quentin schwab talkie walkie camouflage
Quentin schwab talkie walkie bonne annee 22
Quentin schwab talkie walkie anytime 2
Quentin schwab talkie walkie Bonnet Rouge boucle
Quentin schwab talkie walkie SCHWAB SORO VOLONS TYPO
Quentin schwab talkie walkie jesus corde à linge
Quentin schwab talkie walkie Cattlelogue
Quentin schwab talkie walkie brainsonic V2
Quentin schwab talkie walkie sandwich
Quentin schwab talkie walkie Big Deal
Quentin schwab talkie walkie Cheap Arcimboldo
Quentin schwab talkie walkie Pif Piaf
Quentin schwab talkie walkie Crual Tea
Quentin schwab talkie walkie croisiere
Quentin schwab talkie walkie blossom 2
Quentin schwab talkie walkie free as a bird TW
Quentin schwab talkie walkie punk
Quentin schwab talkie walkie lighter
Quentin schwab talkie walkie up
Quentin schwab talkie walkie surfin
Quentin schwab talkie walkie le penseur
Quentin schwab talkie walkie windyl
Quentin schwab talkie walkie springbird
Quentin schwab talkie walkie leaf of faith
Quentin schwab talkie walkie Butter flies
Quentin schwab talkie walkie same sweater
Quentin schwab talkie walkie Art artist
Quentin schwab talkie walkie Delivery
Quentin schwab talkie walkie JARDINIERES2
Quentin schwab talkie walkie hamac
Quentin schwab talkie walkie sieste
Quentin schwab talkie walkie sdb bizarre
Quentin schwab talkie walkie jungle
Quentin schwab talkie walkie nuage