Gwendal Le Bec


Monocle Magazine

So Good

WALP magazine


Vieux Magazine

Vieux Magazine

Vélo Magazine

Vélo magazine

New York Times

Hoxton Hotel

Hoxton Hotel

Hoxton Hotel

Le Monde

Le Monde

Wall Street Journal

Warby Parker














Le Secours Populaire

Le Secours Populaire




Bloomberg Business Week

Hoxton Hotel

Hoxton Hotel

Hoxton Hotel

Hoxton Hotel

Hoxton Hotel

Hoxton Hotel


The New York Times

New York Times

Sunday Times

Sunday Times

Alexandra Palace

Alexandra Palace

Alexandra Palace

Alexandra Palace

Bloomberg Business Week

Bloomberg Business Week


Fondation Bill&Melinda Gates

the Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly

The Gourmand

The Gourmand

The Gourmand

The Gourmand

Google Primer

Google Primer

Do the Green Thing

Do the Green Thing

Do the Green Thing

Do the Green Thing

Do the Green Thing

Do the Green Thing

Do the Green Thing


Scoop Magazine #5

The New York Times

The New York Times

Fortnum and Mason

Les saisons de Peter Pan

Les saisons de Peter Pan

Les saisons de Peter Pan

Les saisons de Peter Pan

Les saisons de Peter Pan







Hoxton Hotel

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Monocle Magazine.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for So Good magazine.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for WALP magazine.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Monocle Magazine.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for the first issue of Vieux magazine.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for the first issue of Vieux magazine.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Vélo magazine.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Vélo magazine.

Illustration by Gwendal Le Bec for the New York Times.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for the Hoxton Hotel.

Series of illustrations by Gwendal Le Bec for the Hoxton Hotel.

Series of illustrations by Gwendal Le Bec for the Hoxton Hotel.

Illustration by Gwendal Le Bec for Le Monde.

Illustration by Gwendal Le Bec for Le Monde.

Illustration by Gwendal Le Bec for the Wall street journal.

Mural created by Gwendal Le Bec for the Warby Parker boutique in East Hampton.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Netflix.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Netflix.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Netflix.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Netflix.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Netflix.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Netflix.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Netflix.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Netflix.

Illustration by Gwendal Le Bec for Hermès.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Olow.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Olow.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Olow.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Olow.

Illustration by Gwendal Le Bec for Le Secours Populaire.

Illustration by Gwendal Le Bec for Le Secours Populaire.

Illustration by Gwendal Le Bec for L'Obs magazine.

Illustration by Gwendal Le Bec for L'Obs magazine.

Illustration by Gwendal Le Bec for L'Obs magazine.

Illustration by Gwendal Le Bec for Bloomberg Business Week.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for the Hoxton Hotel.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for the Hoxton Hotel.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for the Hoxton Hotel.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for the Hoxton Hotel.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for the Hoxton Hotel.

Illustration by Gwendal Le Bec for the Hoxton Hotel.

Illustration by Gwendal Le Bec for L'Équipe magazine.

Illustration by Gwendal Le Bec for the NY Times.

Illustration by Gwendal Le Bec for the NY Times.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for the Sunday Times.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for the Sunday Times.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for the communication of The Great Fête at Alexandra Palace (London).

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for the communication of The Great Fête at Alexandra Palace (London).

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for the communication of The Great Fête at Alexandra Palace (London).

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for the communication of The Great Fête at Alexandra Palace (London).

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Bloomberg Business Week.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Bloomberg Business Week.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Bloomberg Business Week.

Animation by Gwendal Le Bec for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for the recipe section of The Gourmand#9

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for the recipe section of The Gourmand#9

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for the recipe section of The Gourmand#9

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for the recipe section of The Gourmand#9

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Google Primer.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Google Primer.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for "Do the Green Thing".

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for "Do the Green Thing".

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for "Do the Green Thing".

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for "Do the Green Thing".

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for "Do the Green Thing".

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for "Do the Green Thing".

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for "Do the Green Thing".

Illustration by Gwendal Le Bec for the home page of Quora website.

Cover illustration by Gwendal Le Bec for Scoop Magazine #5.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for the NY Times.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for the NY Times.

Illustration by Gwendal Le Bec for the Fortnum and Mason tea brand.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Les saisons de Peter Pan by Christophe Mauri, published by Gallimard.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Les saisons de Peter Pan by Christophe Mauri, published by Gallimard.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Les saisons de Peter Pan by Christophe Mauri, published by Gallimard.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Les saisons de Peter Pan by Christophe Mauri, published by Gallimard.

Illustration series by Gwendal Le Bec for Les saisons de Peter Pan by Christophe Mauri, published by Gallimard.

Illustrations by Gwendal Le Bec for Raymond, a book co-written with Yann Le Bec, published by Walker Books (UK).

Illustrations by Gwendal Le Bec for Raymond, a book co-written with Yann Le Bec, published by Walker Books (UK).

Illustration by Gwendal Le Bec for Raymond, a book co-written with Yann Le Bec, published by Walker Books (UK).

Illustrations by Gwendal Le Bec for Raymond, a book co-written with Yann Le Bec, published by Walker Books (UK).

Illustrations by Gwendal Le Bec for Raymond, a book co-written with Yann Le Bec, published by Walker Books (UK).

Illustrations by Gwendal Le Bec for Raymond, a book co-written with Yann Le Bec, published by Walker Books (UK).

Serie of illustrations of Gwendal Le Bec for the Hoxton Hotel

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